Movements are a Post-Hardcore/Emo band from Orange County, California.
Band members: Patrick Miranda (Vocals), Ira George (Guitar), Spencer York (Drums) and Austin Cressey (Bass).
The band recently released their debut album Outgrown Things through their record label Fearless Records on March 10th, 2016. They were also just nominated for a 2017 AP Music Award for Best Underground Band in April. Burst forward one year since their last hometown performance at Chain Reaction: They went from playing the same old six songs that they always played to now playing two new songs, two new demos (which have not yet been played live), and having their first sold out hometown show at the same venue, but as a headliner!
You can catch them all summer long on Vans Warped Tour through August 6th.
In my opinion, four opening acts are four too many. Modern Color is an independent Melodic Rock/Post Hardcore band from Redondo Beach, CA. Members consists of Fleming (Vocals/Guitar), Vince (Drums), Chris (Guitar) and Chad (guitar),kicking off what would now be the longest thirty to forty-five minutes of my life.
Jumping to In Her Own Words a Pop-Punk band from Los Angeles, CA. Members consist of Joey Fleming (vocals), Ian Berg (Guitar), Eric Ruelas (Bass) and Omar Sultani (Drums). They are currently signed with InVogue Records.
Next up was a complex, but awesome moniker band from Florida called Northbound.
Northbound is Jonathon Fraser (Vocals), Johnny Looz (Guitar), Michael Sichel (Drums) and Andy Diaz (Bass). They are currently signed with Animal Style Records. Northbound took the stage and knocked everyone’s socks off! To me, when an artist or band sounds a hundred times better than their record already does, you know they have superb talent. That is exactly what this band did!
Now, were approaching act three and this is when things start getting a little crazy. Before I get into talking about their set, I should introduce them. Momentum is a Metal band from Los Angeles composed of five members; Jordan Jenkins (Vocals), Johnny Ozeta (Guitar), Art Rubio (Drums), Carlos Seijas (Guitar) and Josh ( Vocals/Guitar). This performance was not at all what I had imagined a Metal concert used to be like with pieces from the S&M community (chains, skulls, metal studs, and etc.), “Devil Horns” aka arm thrusts and a lot of head banging. It turned out to be a huge circle of people punching and kicking the air or as people call it “Moshing” (lol!) Do not get me wrong, it was quite entertaining! A little into Momentum’s set I noticed some of the band members from Movements moshing it up with the rest of the audience in the pit. Jenkins and the rest of band put on a wild yet unforgettable performance!
Within a blink of an eye, Movements took the stage and tons of bodies pushed forward as if we were sardines. Right off the bat, the band began to play the beat of their song “Kept”. The lights started flickering yellow, blue and red, the audience started to get hyped, and Miranda and the mic stand get pushed into the crowd. . . and to think, we were only a couple minutes in! Two “OG” songs past and Miranda was lost for words, but kept thanking everyone for coming out to the show and was happy to “be home” in-between every song (I don’t think you could have a more genuine/humble band that actually cares like they do!)
Moving forward, it was not long before the whole venue turned into a legitimate sauna room. There were people stage diving left and right. Right as the song “Worst Wishes” was coming to an end, a girl hopped on stage about to stage dive when the whole place went silent. She walked back and forth debating which side to jump back into when Miranda attempted to step in to help her by saying “one,two,three, go!” which didn’t work so well. A couple of seconds later, she hopped on over into the right side of the crowd that welcomed her with open arms.
I was sad to see this show end. Miranda was shedding a few tears (like a man) and no longer had the mic. Three girls (I’m assuming best friends) were hugging/ swaying together on stage, tons of sweat dripping everywhere, and good chunk (about fifteen members) of the audience were singing the last verses of “Losing Fight” together.
Ultimately, you won’t be able to find a more sincere, wears-their-heart-on-their-sleeve, straightforward band like Movements!
Youtube | Worst Wishes - Movements (Official Music Video)
#movements #FearlessRecords #chainreaction #ashtyan #TPF #TourPRessForce #TPForce #PatrickMiranda #OutgrownThings #IraGeorge #SpencerYork #Moderncolor #Northbound #JonathonFraser #JohnnyLooz #MichaelSichel #AndyDiaz #AnimalStyleRecords #Momentum #JordanJenkins #JohnnyOzeta #ArtRubio #CarlosSeijas #WorstWishes #Punk #EmoMusic #emo #stagediving #inherownwords #ihow #VansWarpedTour