Here's a local Phoenix company that needs to go big. I'm not kidding--this is a service that does such wonderful things for kids that you need to check them out right now and figure out what you can do to help them.
The concept of this 501(c)(3) organization is simple--to help relieve the suffering of kids in hospitals by giving them donated comic books or by having people dressed as superheroes visiting them in hospitals.
Even worse than being sick with a serious illness or injury, the hours and hours of boredom being cooped up in a hospital bed takes its toll after a while on a kid’s resolve. A visit from Iron Man or Wonder Woman can often bring a smile to a child’s face that nothing else can and boost a kid’s spirits through an extended medical ordeal. In addition, providing these kiddos with donated comic books to help them pass the time for weeks afterwards.
If you're like me, you'll take one look at their website and say, "Man, I'd love to do this. Where can I sign up to get in a costume and start working with these kids!" The thing is, that Comicare is a small, tightly-knit organization. They need exposure right now and support, not personnel. As much as I'd like to see this grow to a national forum today, this kind of thing has to come about organically and naturally. Let's concentrate on the kids and what they need, and Comicare will grow to fit that need. If you are interested in helping, they ask that you follow or like them and spread the word about them on social media—you would be surprised at how much even such a small gesture helps.
Spread the word now! Like, Follow, Share: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
If you have comic books to donate to them, then you can help even more! If you live in the Phoenix West Valley, here are some dropoff locations where you can help make a kid a little happier. If you run a comic shop (or any kind of shop) and would like to set up a box for donated comics, drop them a line. To do more, click here to make a donation and here to buy Comicare merch. Anything else? Send a shoutout to them here.
Comicare Interview at the Amazing! ComicCon in Las Vegas
Tour Press Force was glad to grab the attention of Iron Man (Comicare co-founder Tony Contreras) and Spider-Man (Jeff Seager) as they walked onto the scene at the Amazing! Las Vegas Comic Convention on Saturday, June 26, 2017. Check out the interview we did with them to hear from their own mouths what they are up to. The characters they dress up as may be fictional, but these folks are real-life superheroes to the kids they are working to help. Thanks for watching!