LOS ANGELES, CA | DECEMBER 13, 2017: Dark pop-rock powerhouse RIVALS recently unveiled details for their first full-length album, Damned Soul, which is set for release on February 2, 2018 via Smartpunk Records. Damned Soul is a 10-track banger that was produced by John Espy (Red Jumpsuit Apparatus) and Aaron Edwards (Sick Puppies, Elohim, The Cab), with additional writing for drums and mixing/mastering by Cody Stewart (The Browning, Rings of Saturn, Falsifier). Today, the band is thrilled to share the official music video for the album's second single, “Moonlit,” exclusively with Substream Magazine. “Moonlit” is an emotional track, driven by vocalist Kalie Wolfe's reflection of her own insecurities, as well as the importance she feels in sharing a part of herself that rarely comes to light. Substream Magazine stated “Moonlit” is, “monstrous; clawing at each of the verses and begging to be heard. This is the kind of chorus that bands much further into their career wish they could write—it's emotionally wrought but soars so high that you can't help but to move. Involuntary head-bobs come second only to this strange feeling that you've known the words to this song for years.” Further commenting on the track, Wolfe states:
“'Moonlit' is about me. It's about my past. It's about my future. It's about those around me. Those who've hurt me. Those I've hurt. I'm not perfect, I never will be, but all I can do is try to be the best version of myself.”—Kalie Wolfe
RIVALS is a dark pop-rock band from Los Angeles, CA formed in 2014 by vocalist Kalie Wolfe, bassist Sebastian Chamberlain, and guitarist Micket Woodle. Driven by Wolfe's powerhouse vocals and the band's infectious yet raw sound, RIVALS is fueled by powerful and energetic songwriting, bringing forth a type of fearlessness in their music that stands out among the rest. Since the release of their debut EP in 2015, titled Haunted/Hunted, the band has been making waves and for good reason. Revered by many on their live performance, RIVALS has previously toured the country with bands like Story Untold, Uh Huh Baby Yeah!, and Best Kept Secret, in addition to sharing a lineup with acts like Assuming We Survive, The Word Alive, and Oceans Ate Alaska on the 2014 Vans Warped Tour. The band's impressive live performances also led to partnerships with MEE Audio, D'Addario, SJC Drums and TRX Cymbals. In 2016, RIVALS gained mass attention with their unique take on twenty one pilotsʼ track, “Heathens,” which has garnered over 350,000 listens collectively across Spotify, YouTube and other streaming platforms. Now, the band is gearing up to unveil their first full-length LP, Damned Soul, which is set to be the debut album that fans have been waiting for.
Damned Soul will be out on 2/2/18 via Smartpunk Records and can be pre-ordered here with an instant download of the debut track, “Low.” To stay up to date, be sure to follow the band on Facebook.
Here is the official music video for “Over It”—Track #1 off the new LP, Damned Soul.
YouTube | Over It — RIVALS (Official Music Video)
Check out this interview Tour Press Force did with RIVALS in 2016 - Still Burning Strong!
#RIVALS #DamnedSoul #SmartpunkRecords #KalieWolfe #MicketWoodle #SebastianChamberlain #Moonlit #Low #Heathens #HauntedHunted #SubstreamMagazine #JohnEspy #AaronEdwards #CodyStewart #StoryUntold #UhHuhBabyYeah #BestKeptSecret #AssumingWeSurvive #TheWordAlive #OceansAteAlaska #VansWarpedTour2014 #TPF #TPForce #TourPressForce